
Showing posts with the label immigrants

Muslim fundamentalism in Europe… So what?

BY CAS MUDDE December 16 at 2:59 pm The following guest post is by  Cas Mudde ,  assistant professor in the School for Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia  — reproduced from The Monkey Cage  -Washington Post. As Erik Voeten recently  posted , various European media recently reported on  research  on fundamentalism and out-group hostility by the Dutch sociologist Ruud Koopmans at the German Social Science Research Center (WZB), which found that “Islam fundamentalism is widely spread.” Koopmans and his collaborators interviewed nearly 9,000 people in six West European countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden), including 3,373 ‘natives’ and 5,548 ‘immigrants,’ respectively of Moroccan (2,204) and Turkish (3,344) origin. The survey stands out because of its cross-national scope, its solid theoretical and empirical basis, and the high number of ‘immigrant’ respondents. That said,...